viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

MY LETTER, the moral change of humanity

1, Plaça Central

Sant Onofre


10 april 2001

Dear Mr. Ritch, I am writing in order to show you my point of view and how dangerous atomic power can be. First of all, Japan is the climax of our self destruction, and if this disaster help us open our minds to the new area of energies. I will be happy for all that people death, because their life has been used to change the world's history.

Nowadays we have the technology and the money, but not the hope to believe in these developing energies. Why? Because the most important is money…really? We need more death for change our minds? Another Chernobil? Children with problems caused by nuclear waste? All of us know that oil and nuclear power is the cheapest way, but one time in life a man has to do what he has to do, and now our obligation is change ourselves and look for new energies anf think for the future of our children and our planet.

At the end of all is necessary think in a change. YES WE CAN!! And please Mr. Ritch show us the correct way with your example.

Your sincerely.

Pep Esteve Calvo

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