martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Human rights are not respected

Nowadays the human rights are not respected absolutely, because a lot of countries use lows that don’t help them. Our world doesn’t accept these human rights yet, and the problem comes from the governments and the economy. On my point of view this two freaks are killing the human rights.

The biggest problem that human rights have is the governments, because the lows defense their own benefice and they always forget the freedom or their people. This happens because the governments need the control for following in the power and help to themselves.

The other way of the human rights is economy, companies need low-cost employees. If the human rights come true this type of will disappear, and the big companies like Nike, Adidas, Nokia, etc. will fall with them because the best point of these companies are the manufactories in Asia that is far far away from the human rights.

All in all, the human rights chock with our economy and that’s the reason because there isn’t interest in the way that the human rights come a reality. Only with a big change in our society and mentality the human rights comes true.