lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


After speaking for an hour to Arunas and Visctor Rosillo in the speaking corner we talked about some topic:

Points of the dialoge:
- Victor Rosillo loves Justin Bieber!!
- GYM (good body) is important for summer!
- Arunas can't do push ups with one hand.
- Pep Esteve is the strongest in this group.
- Vistor pretends to be like CR7 (Cristiano Ronaldo), and Arunas like Victor Rosillo.
- All of us are caspers like the majority of the Spanish population.
- Arunas is the freakiest boy I have ever met!!!! (He doesn't know yet but he dances like an old robot).
- What could be done with these conclusions?
We need to find a girlfriend!!!!


Myconclusion is that we serioulsy need a grildfrend because our minds are in danger of collapsing. We speak about GYM because maybe if we keep fit perhaps some girls will want to be our girldfrends.

¿Is St. Valentine’s day a commercial idea?

All of us know that companies used to create new holidays or parties focused only on the presents, Christmas has been changed from a religious day to a consumist day for example.

If I say: Christmas, St. Valentine, carnival, new year, etc. The first thing is go to a shop and buy something. And this conduct is influenced by the consumist mind of our education also influenced by the big companies.

I think that if I love somebody I don’t need a special day to buy a present to show my love. My view of life is so romantic and in my point of view plays with this feeling it’s the worst thing that a person can do, and when I listen something like this: “Oh, St. Valentine’s day, let’s go to buy something for my girlfriend”. I see that this person doesn’t show his feelings to his girl or that it’s stupid because he only shows these feelings when the society says that it is the time.

I hope that people will try to improve their feelings because nowadays people are so cold with all these topics of love.

Can you be romantic in the 21th. Century?

Can you be romantic in the 21th. Century?

Some months ago this question came into my head, and I thought strongly about this. I thought about my things and my acts, and finally I came to the conclusion that the answer was “yes” if you are prepared to suffer a lot of your dreaming about love. When I thought about this conclusion I realized that I was romantic.

In the book Pride and Prejudice I identified myself with Mr. Darcy, I liked him. We never show our feelings for that person, but I think a lot about her. This thing is a characteristic point of the Romantic Movement, the idealization of women loved and the fighting versus all those things or people that try to break our perfect love.

Nowadays we need sex, not love. But romantic people need something special with that person who we dream about. She is everything to us, and this is so difficult nowadays. A lot of lying, cheating, deceit and pain is what we find in the true life, outside of our ideal world that we dream about.

My ideals follow the steps of Lord Byron, Gustavo A. Bécquer, Victor Hugo, William Blake, etc.

Nobel Prize: LIU XIAOBO

This year the winner of the Nobel piece price was Liu Xiaobo, but the biggest news come from the situation of Liu. He has been in captivity with a sentence of 11 years in prison by the Chinese government because Liu Xiaobo fought for the human rights in a country with a dictatorship (in December 2008 Liu read his manifest “charter 08” that suggested a new political reform).

Now Liu Xiaobo is in prison, and he didn’t know that he was the winner of this prize for a long time. Only a month later his wife talked with him about this when she visited him in prison.
More problems come with the ceremony because China didn’t accept that Liu could go there to receive the prize, almost saying that the countries that were in favour of the nomination of Xiaobo would be considered China’s enemies.

The most important discovery of the decade: "GRAPHENE"

The most important discovery of the decade: "GRAPHENE":

This year 2010 the Novel Price of physics went to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, two Russians both professors at Manchester University in England. They won the Novel Price because they discovered a new extraordinary material called Graphene (It comes from carbon, but it has a single thick atom and for this reason it is one of the strongest and hardest materials in this world).

Graphene will change the technological world, because now with this material we will be able to design and build extremely little computer chips at a low cost. Less cost and better loans.
This material will change our technology, medicine, buildings structures, etc. (Watch the video and see what will happen in a few years).

271 unknown painting by Pablo Picasso

Two news in one:

New works of Pablo Picasso under question
Picasso’s 271 items discovered in France

271 unknown painting by Pablo Picasso were discovered by an electrician in France (Pierre Le Guennec, 71 years old).
Pierre wrote to Picasso’s son, Clude Picasso asking him to authenticate the works of the notebook, 9 cubist collages and some paintings. This work cost about 60 million Euros.

Pierre Le Guennec had these paintings because they were a gift from Pablo Picasso in 1970, but the police confiscated the paintings because Claude Picasso said that his father never gave paintings as a present, and that Le Guennec had stolen the painting from his father.

I hope that all these paintings go to a museum!!!

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Bullfighting in Spain

In Spain bull fighting is a tradition from centuries ago, but nowadays people like Greenpeace fight to stop this type of festival. They say that bulls suffer horrible things in front of the bullfighter, and that’s why currently the bulls are drugged.

On one hand we can think that the bulls are bred only for the bullfighting, and experts say that if the corridas disappear the Spanish bull will disappear too.

On the other hand there are the animal supporters who say that these festivals are too bloody.

Personally I defend the festival because I used to watch it with my great-grandmother when I was a little kid. But maybe it is too violent. I have a fight with myself about this topic.