miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008

Language and scripture

I know that the best invention of the humanity is the language and the scripture (words and numbers). Because it’s true that there are a lot of incredible invents in the world, like the plane, the penicillin, TV, internet, etc. but without the language never wouldn’t exist because the people wouldn’t pass the information and the culture necessary for make all these incredible invents.

With the language was started our culture, the history of the humanity.

Thinking a little bit, if you need learn or teach some information you need the language or the scripture, because if you try to explain a thing without words is impossible.

The expert community thinks that the language was invented 6000 ago, because the firs table of scripture was ride in 3000 BC, and it was found 70 yeas ago in a mountain from a desert of Arabian country.

In conclusion, I think and know that the most important invent of the history is the language and the scripture.

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