martes, 11 de marzo de 2008


We know that New York is a beautiful and modern city and for this reason in New York there are a lot of buildings, and there is a great architecture. These type of article help the tourism in the city. For example I will summarize some buildings:

1- Condé Naste Building: This building is enviromentally correct, it has an energy conservation system.
2- Brooklyn Museum: It's between a pavillion and square, It's an incredible art museum, there are two special things. One hand there is the steel structure inusual because all the museum is circular and on the other hand there is the use of a lot of glass and the people feel well seeing the art.
3- Grand Center Terminal: This centreal is situated in the middle of Manhattan and is very famous because it has cathedral windows, arches, constelations ceiling and big clock. I remember this terminal in a lot of films. It was restored in 1998.
4- Hearst Tower: Near 56th Street, Manhattan. The architect was the famous Sir. Norman Foster in 2004, you casn see the people inside the building thanks to the glass panels and the most incredible thing of this building is that ther aren't vertical supporting columns. Incredible!!!

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