sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008


1) Guillem and Jordi:
3 Facts: How start this nation and when, Music and instruments (bagpipe, violin, harp, etc.), Literature (Robert Burns, James, etc.), Sports (football and rugbi), Skid (tipical)
Ideas: Use paper and the viose of Guillem is boring, they talk about simple things, I don’t lern anything and also they have a nice Power Point and I understand all.
Note: B-N

2) Jake:
3 Facts: Situation of the country in a world map, history of they flag, the history of Australia, sports (rugby and criket), Ululu is the biggest roc of the world (rather famous) and the native people.
Ideas: Nice pronunciation, good organization, there are a lot of information.
Note: E

3) David:
American car vs. British car
3 Facts: American: made cars for the young people, for to be different of they parents.
British: all is bigger, are smarter, there are new cars that combine the twice stiles.
Ideas: Good structure of cars and the ideas are really clear.
Her topic is not correct because only talk about cars and this Oral Presentation was about a cultural topic, no only cars.
Note: B (incorrect topic)

4) Juaquim:
Republic of South Africa
3 Facts: Country of the Commonwealth, where is this country, Nelson Mandela was the first president, rugby.
Ideas: Nice Power Poin.
Note: B-N

5) Angels and Estela:
Las Vegas
3 Facts: History of the city, the most important streets, hotels and casinos.
Ideas: They read the paper, nice photos, and important things only.
Note: B

6) Marina and Alba:
3 Facts: Auditorium, gardens, museums, the beach, is an incredible city.
Ideas: Concrete information and they are very nervous.
Note: B

7) Laia and Merce:
3 Facts: Music, Rastafarian and how are the people.
Note: B-N
8) Nuria:
South Africa
3 Facts: Culture, language and Capeagulhas.
Note: B-N

9) Laura:
Genocide of Ruanda
3 Facts: The conflict, what happened in this war, the film, what happened in 1994?
Ideas: Very perpetrated, she don’t need Power Point, the video is very chocking like the photos, nice topic.
Note: N

10) Eduard:
3 Facts: Introduction about the presentation!!! Nice idea, conquest ions and history, Oxford, spa of Romans, Manchester United F.C.
Ideas: Incredible type of Oral Presentation is like a travel by plane, good information, and bad body language.
Note: N-E

11) Pep and Màrius:
3 Facts: Culture, people, music, history, party, etc.
Ideas: Nice Power Point, a lot of information and details, nice pronunciation, good feeling and also have a funny things.
Note: E

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